July 1, 2010

Food Inc. Movie Review

We just watched Food Inc. on Netflix without really knowing what it was about or what to expect. The way our food is farmed and processed as well as laws governing food policy in the US is very interesting to me and I feel like I currently have a modest base of understanding on that topic. The person I watched the film with does not have a background in nutrition and until now was fairly uninformed about the problems we have in this country surrounding our food supply. This movie really touched both of us strongly, and for this reason, I feel that this movie is relevant to many different people with varying backgrounds and understanding of the topic.

We were surprised, shocked and fascinated by the information presented throughout the movie. I especially liked how they visited many topics surrounding the food issue from policy (food safety issues related to Kevin, a 2 year old boy who died in the E.coli outbreak), immigration (exploitation of the people working in the slaughter houses), and economics (eating fast food can be cheaper than buying vegetables in the grocery store). This movie is extremely hard to watch and I had to close my eyes several times to be honest. The way that food animals are treated is shocking and horrifying and I believe that it would be good for any person to have to see this and face the reality that the decisions to eat certain types of food entails.

However, despite the terrifying facts presented about food in this country throughout the movie, they end on a positive note. The end of the movie links the current problems we are up against concerning food to the changes the US has seen regarding tobacco. There was a time when tobacco companies had a lot of control (similar to the meat industry today) and it seemed that the public could never win against them, but things have changed a lot in the past few decades regarding tobacco and smoking. While the food issue is more complex and challenging (smoking is a choice, eating is not), I loved the way the movie ended by empowering the individual that the choices they make with their dollars make a difference to the food suppliers.

Someone told me the other day when I was explaining the premises of Food Inc.: “it makes me sick the way animals are treated – I know it’s really bad. But, I’m not going to stop eating meat and that’s what the movie probably wants me to do. I’m just one person and it doesn’t make a difference what I do. Everybody eats meat and that’s never going to change.”

I hate hearing things like this because it’s REALLY missing the point. You don’t have to stop eating meat. You just need to make better, informed choices regarding the type of meat you consume. You can make a difference if you get inspired to hold high standards for the food you put in your body and if you share your passion with the people around you. If you are interested in this topic, watch this movie – it may really inspire you like it did us.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with everything you said. I was really happy with how they put that movie together because it completely summed up my reasons for being vegetarian. For me it's seeing the whole picture of how things interact together and the rewards for animals, people, and the planet by making more conscience choices. And yes I am only one person, but all of our individual choices and efforts can add up to make a large positive impact together. Thank you sharing this info for others to benefit from!
