The most exciting announcement I'm thrilled to make: I am launching a new blog. This was not an easy decision; I've had Becomingginger for years, since I took an elective at Bastyr University called "Writing in Nutrition and Health". At that time, I thought that blogs were just platforms where people talked about themselves - boring! Our professor had us start our own blogs and I launched Becomingginger which was originally about becoming a dietitian and also working on my own food journey and healthier eating.I found that blogging is a wonderful way to share information and learn from others as well. It is an interesting creative platforms that I have found very helpful to me in finding my voice and what type of topics I wanted to share with all of you. I love writing recipes, answering questions people send me about food and nutrition, debunking diets and discussing other hot topics in nutrition news. I have had some really nice feedback about the topics I talk about and how open I am about being a dietitian who eats out a lot and loves pizza in addition to an interest in general nutrition and wellness. I don't want to lose that - I'll always be the same but I am no longer "becoming" Ginger. I have been feeling the need to re-brand and start fresh for awhile now and there have been a lot of people who have helped me and supported me on this new path.
I have now officially launched my new site and transitioned my current social media platforms to ChampagneNutrition. You can find me at my new website and blog, on Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
There's a lot of transition happening right now so this move feels very right to me. I'm finishing my term as President of the Chicago Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and starting a national position as Chair-Elect for the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group. I have been chosen as a State Media Representative for Chicago, Illinois starting in June and I will be embarking on teaching some classes at a private University this fall. Lots of change feels great and best of all, it is SPRING. I hope you'll join me on my new site as I continue to share nutrition information with all of you!
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