January 2, 2012

2012: A Time for Resolutions?

Resolute:  Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
Resolution:  The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.  A resolving to do something.  A course of action determined or decided on.   A formal statement of a decision or expression of opinion.

I think that New Year’s resolutions have a bad rap.  To be resolute or to make a resolution is a commendable thing any other time of year – to me it means working towards bettering yourself or a personal goal.  Of course there are many statistics about how no one sticks to their resolutions and so they often begin the New Year discouraged.  Resolutions are actually all about behavior change and behavior change is an uphill battle for any person because it is, on its most basic level, hard. 

The main issue with New Year’s resolutions is that they lack creativity and specificity.  Most people resolve to lose weight or something of that sort. ”   Losing weight, “getting in shape” or committing to fitness are good enough resolutions if 1.  This will increase the quality of your life in some way and 2.  If you have a specific goal (lose 5 pounds by April, attend the gym 4 days a week for the next two months, be able to do 50 push-ups).  Setting specific and achievable goals will make them more rewarding and satisfying than a very broad or unrealistic goal.  I also find starting a diet on New Year’s cliché:  diets detract from your life making them undesirable in my opinion.  They are also not a enduring or realistic way to live. 

Let me ask you:  how can you add to your life instead of take away from it?  I have heard many excellent resolutions this year:  use recycled bags at the grocery store, remember to send birthday cards to friends, and my all-time favorite:  “eat more oysters and drink more champagne”.  Changing habit and behavior are very difficult and may take several tries before they become permanent – go ahead and make resolutions!  Be resolute!  I encourage you to make positive changes in your life if there are some things you desire that could increase your happiness.  Set small, very specific goals and make them because they are truly important to you. 

Good luck and Happy New Year!!


  1. Well said Ginger. Thanks for the good advice on starting this year off right. Happy New Year!

  2. my last years resolution was to not shop at walmart. I totally succeeded! holla. This year, my resolution was to be on top of whatever holiday, birthday, vacation, event the week before it arrives. I'd like to make sure I have my husbands birthday events planned in advance, actually invite friends to my babies first birthday, know what I'm going to be for halloween, and have my Christmas tree up and decorated all at least one week before they happen! I think it will make me feel more organized:) Right?

  3. I think your new years resolution is: "become more organized" AND "not to shop at walmart" :)
