August 4, 2014

Kids Eat Right in the Summer

As stores and magazines roll out their “back to school” products all too soon, we do have something fun to celebrate about summer coming to a close – Kids Eat Right month! 

I love talking about nutrition for fertility, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding (Breast is Best!!!), and family nutrition.  However, this is not my area of expertise so I keep some handy references to give people looking for sources they can trust.  There are some really wonderful resources out there to help families with ideas on eating healthy and being active. I've listed some of them below but please know this is not an exhaustive list.  Do you have any good ones that I didn't list?

When looking for legitimate information on healthy eating for your family, be SURE you are following the advice of someone with appropriate education, credentials and experience for safety.  If you have a child in your life, encourage them to develop healthy lifestyle activities by setting a good example yourself!

~Happy Kids Eat Right Month~

A variety of information, recipes and handouts for ages including "baby", "toddler", "preschooler" "gradeschooler", "teen".  I especially like the information here about increasing physical activity as a family and some great advice on body image and weight for kids.  

Learn about Ellyn's "Division of Responsibility" in eating philosophy and also find some wonderful tips on dealing with picky eating and helping kids make healthy choices that are also realistic. 

Michelle Obama's program includes information on increasing physical activity, healthy eating, understanding the facts about obesity in the US, and specific tips on how to "take action" and get started. 

You know it replaced the food pyramid long ago, but there's also a fun site here specifically for kids.  There's games, activities, songs and videos with colorful cartoon characters learning how to eat healthy and be more active. 

Search for a dietitian in your state specializing in Pediatrics, Lactation, Children’s Sports, or Pregnancy.  You can enter a search by zip code so you can meet with a specialist one-on-one.   

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1 comment:

  1. I came across this blog. Really motivated to start eating healthy and live a healthier lifestyles. Thanks for publishing this blog.Great blog!
